The Ocean The Ocean - Heaven TV

"Reasoning from the common course of nature, and without supposing any new interposition of the supreme cause, which ought always be excluded from philosophy; what is incorruptible must also be ingenerable.
The soul, therefore, if immortal, existed before our birth:
And if the former state of existence no wise concerned us, neither will the latter."
[David Hume]

There is no comfort in the idea of the eternal soul to me
How could it live on without the experience of the colour of the sea?
If Heaven was to be an empty white sphere
Devoid of anything that you could taste or feel-without feeling need
Then I take more comfort in the idea
That one day my eyes will cease to see what's right there in front of me
Are you prepared to face the one big question: Have you lived everyday as if it had been your last?
If Heaven was to be a blank projection screen for all your most secret dreams: What would you see?
What would you see?
What would be on Heaven TV?
What would you see?
What would you see?
All that you never dared
All the things you were to scared to try
You haven't lived everyday as if it had been your last
The infamous inventors of eternity have ruled our lives long enough
They refuse to see that we are animals
We need to feed, fight, sleep and make love
Have you lived everyday as if it had been your last?
Have you lived everyday as if it had been your last?
They refuse to see that we are animals
We need to feed, fight, sleep and make love
And I tell you one thing: When all you put on the table falls short of all your great promises
Then I don't want my share in any of this